How We Support

Our mission is to support and promote diversity and inclusion in the architecture and design fields; and to foster a community of individuals committed to building each other up.

  • Support first then allow promoting to be a by-product

  • To have a presence in our community

  • To be the voice for and to represent minorities in design

  • Create a network of opportunities

Who We Represent

"Minority" as we define it are those who fall into a group that has been historically underrepresented whether it be race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, religion, sexuality, gender identity, ability, or by any other means of categorization. We are a group that supports those who feel marginalized within our society and profession. This is especially important in the design community as this goes further to include voices that may not be in the room or at the seat of the table. We are also represented by any who believe in better diversifying the design fields regardless of who they are. We seek not only to step outside the box but to eliminate the box altogether.

What People Are Saying

“When I first heard about RIMiAD I was very excited about it because I knew I was going to meet other people within the design industry that I don’t see at other industry events. Since day one, I knew this organization was going to be amazing and I am very excited to see RIMIAD grow more and more! I also believe that learning from others through community involvement is imperative in order to become a better person and professional.”

— Linda K. Penaloza-Resch, Assoc. AIA (Job Captain at Vision 3 Architects)

“I see the potential in RIMiAD because I have seen the passion its members have towards their mission. I would love to see them continue to focus on the individuals by creating a platform where they can more widely share their experiences. I can already see and would love to continue seeing RIMiAD help develop more mentor to mentee relationships within the design field.”

— Jorge Saenz (Director of Design at Traza Design)

“You can see by the amount of people and the different types or people in different design and design adjacent fields that there is a longing for some sort of connection that we can't find in our current professional demographics. It's easy and casual and people can come on their own terms. Can't make this one, no problem there will one in two months. Being a reliable place for people to gather is important. Also I have met people I would not have other wise and value that!”

— Anonymous